Invitation to Knowledge Exchange Symposium: Cultures of (Un)Sustainability

You are warmly invited to participate in the third symposium on Knowledge Exchange on Sustainability Research at UM, taking place on Thursday 4 June, 15.00-18.00 at FaSoS. The topic of this symposium is Cultures of (Un)sustainability: ambiguities, politics, and perspectives. There will be a keynote presentation by Dr. Raf de Bont and two other presentations related to the central theme. It is still possible to register.

The aim of the symposium is to get to know each other’s work, interests and expertise and explore future opportunities for mutual benefits around the broad theme of cultures of (un)sustainability.

You will be offered a keynote presentation by Raf de Bont on Conservation Science and the Agency of Nature: Negotiating Antelopes, Pygmies and Tourists in Albert National Park, 1920-1950, and we invite 2 presentations of your current research work related to the central theme.

All participants are also asked to make a small digital presentation of their work, which will be made available online (for participants), so they can get a flavor of each other’s work before the symposium. The presentations will be commented on by a “tour guide”.

Please find the complete invitation attached.

Please register and/or submit an abstract for a presentation.

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