Keuzegids Masters 2015: four FASoS Master’s programmes in top three

In the Keuzegids Masters 2015 the Research Master Cultures of Arts, Science and Technology (CAST) was ranked first in its category and received the quality seal ‘Top Programme’ with a score of 76. Furthermore European Public Affairs (EPA) was ranked second in its category with a score of 74. Arts & Culture/Cultuurwetenschappen was ranked second with a score of 60 and Globalisation and Development Studies was ranked third with a score of 62.

According to the Keuzegids Masters 2015, Maastricht University is the best overall in a ranking of 13 universities, with an average score of 6.35. Two UM programmes have received a score of 76 or more and thus receive the quality seal ‘Top Programme’: Management of Learning (SBE) with a score of 82 and the research master Cultures of Arts, Science and Technology (FASoS) with a score of 76.

Seventy per cent of the quality rankings for programmes in the Keuzegids Masters are based on student satisfaction scores from the National Student Survey (NSE). The other thirty per cent are determined by data from the accreditation organisation NVAO. The Keuzegids Masters is a publication of the Centre for Higher Education Information (CHOI) in Leiden. The guide can be purchased in stores or ordered from The Keuzegids Masters can be viewed for free by all UM employees and students on a university computer: go to and click on Keuzegids.

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