Last day to register for UM steps challenge

Join team FASoS in competing for the title of UM’s most active faculty or service centre by signing up for the UM steps challenge!

The challenge starts on 15 April and ends on 5 May. The goal is to take as many steps as possible. The first team to reach 178.500 steps per person on average wins the challenge. You should be able to finish within 3 weeks if everyone takes an average of 8.500 steps a day.

Today is the last day you can register, so be quick and register here!

The winner of the ‘Get active in spring!’ challenge is the first faculty or service centre to reach 178.500 steps on average per participant. Besides this honourable title, the top three teams also receive a sum of money from the Executive Board to spend on vitality promotion within their unit.

For this challenge we will be using the platform from Selfcare. If you take part in the challenge, Selfcare will give you extensive instructions on how to download and use this app. Please note: do not create an account yet, but wait for the invitation by e-mail from Selfcare so that your account can be linked to UM.

On this special intranet page, you can ask questions and stay updated on the scores and informative videos. After the registration deadline, Selfcare will send you an invitation to create an account to use the app. Participation is free of charge.

If you sign up for this challenge, you can also take part in a second steps challenge within your own faculty or service centre in June. You will then compete with your department/team against the other departments/teams within your own unit.

*The Marketing and Communications department at FASoS has already signed up for this challenge – join us!

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