Last FASoS Weekly for staff + reminder to register for intranet launch

Today, you have received the last FASoS Weekly for staff members in your inbox.

Don’t worry, you will still receive all necessary and fun information about FASoS, but via a different platform: UMployee. Just like the FASoS Weekly, you will still receive a weekly email in your inbox with links to all kinds of fun events, funding opportunities, publications by colleagues, etc.

If you want to share something with colleagues, have a look at this post to see how to do this. There will be no submission form anymore; you will simply post a message yourself in a group on UMployee.

To help get everyone started, we are organising a launch event for the new intranet on Tuesday 8 November from 12.00 – 14.00 in GG90-92, D1.08. Sign up here.

During the launch, free lunch will be provided. The Marketing and Communications Office will walk you through the features of the new intranet, and make sure to bring your laptop, because we will be filling our intranet profiles. Everyone who has filled out their profile page on the new intranet receives a Bandito gift voucher!

A professional photographer will be joining the event to take portrait pictures of you that you can use on your intranet profile, on your Personal Profile Page and on your social media channels. You will not receive a specific time slot when your picture will be taken, you can simply drop by anytime between 12.30 and 14.00 (the launch will start at 12.00, the photographer will be taking pictures as of 12.30).

Are you unable to join the launch in person? Join us online!

Please note: a small change has occurred in the groups functionality on the new intranet. While the intention of the new intranet was that anyone could make a group, this has changed. Only the ‘community managers’ on the intranet (part of the Marketing and Communications Office) can make a group. So if you would like to make a group, please get in touch with the Marketing and Communications Office via

Also, while it has been communicated that you can make any group you like, due to GDPR rules, we need to be more careful with the kind of groups we create. This means that we can only make groups that are work-related, so no ‘fun groups’ about for example cats, motorcycles, Christmas, etc. can be created yet. In the meantime, we are working hard to make sure that soon anyone can create a group and that we can make groups for non-work related topics, such as running or cycling.

Please note that the new intranet is only for employees. The student intranet remains in the old system. Additionally, the FASoS Weekly for students will still be sent out, at least until December 2022. If you would like to communicate something to our students, you can still fill out the submission form.

Do you have questions? Reach out to the Marketing and Communications office via

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