Studium Generale Lecture: Europe’s Destiny, on 25 April

Because of the many problems of unprecedented nature and magnitude generated by its very success, the European Union must keep changing, and it will. But how? Prof. Philippe Van Parijs, Professor Emeritus, of Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium will address this question on Tuesday 25 April, 20.00, in the Auditorium, Minderbroedersberg 4-6. Free entrance. The chair of the evening will be Prof. Dr Tannelie Blom.

The European Union is the most ambitious and successful supranational political entity that ever came into being voluntarily in the history of mankind. Because of massive interdependencies — some of them pre-dating its conception and many of them greatly amplified as a result of its deepening and enlargement — the European Union must keep going, and it will. But because of the many problems of unprecedented nature and magnitude generated by its very success, it must keep changing, and it will. How? That is what we will learn in this lecture.

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