Lecture: International Humanitarian Law in the 21st Century, on 24 April

During this first ever co-organised lecture between ELSA and the Maastricht Red Cross, Lt. Col Le Clercq (Royal Netherlands Airforce) will discuss the reach and limitations of International Humanitarian Law in the 21st century.

Starting off with an introduction by Maastricht Red Cross on the foundations of IHL, Lt. Col will continue by holding both a lecture and Q&A session on the matter.

Wednesday 24 April, 19.00 – 21.00. Faculty of Law, Bou 1-3.

When there is war, this usually means that the domestic rule of law of the conflict zone is severely impaired, if not wholly out of function. However, not all laws seize to operate. In fact, the conduct of war itself is governed by a branch of international law.

Indeed, IHL or International Humanitarian Law is the field that seeks to limit the effect of armed conflict on non-combatants in warzones. This lecture will look in depth into the status and practice of International Humanitarian Law in the 21st Century. Delving deeper into pertinent issues of modern warfare such as cyber, space, remote operations like UAVs and the use of contractors in conflict zones.

The speaker, Lt. Col. Duco Le Clercq, is an expert in the field of International Humanitarian law, having studied International Law and International Relations at Leiden University, having worked at the Dutch Ministry of Defense, and now being on active duty in the Dutch Royal Airforce since 2008.

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