MACIMIDE dataset cited in proposed amendment of Dutch citizenship law

On Friday 16 December, a proposal was introduced to amend the Dutch citizenship law in order to make it possible for Dutch citizens to keep their citizenship when they acquire another citizenship. In the Explanatory Note, the proponents of the amendment included a reference to the MACIMIDE Expatriate Dual Citizenship Dataset, co-authored by Maarten Vink, Gerard-René de Groot and Chun Luk. The dataset is publicly available and will be updated annually.

The amendment also proposes to no longer to ask foreigners acquiring Dutch citizenship to renounce their previous citizenship.

In the Explanatory Note, the proponents of the amendment include a reference to the MACIMIDE Expatriate Dual Citizenship Dataset, which shows how between 1960 and 2015, the percentage of states accepting expatriate dual citizenship has increased from nearly 40 percent to over 70 percent worldwide. The MACIMIDE Expatriate Dual Citizenship Dataset is co-authored by Maarten Vink, Gerard-Rene de Groot and Chun Luk. The dataset is publicly available and updated annually.

The amendment was introduced by the Liberal Democrats (D66) and the Labour Party (PvdA).

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