MACIMIDE Kick-Off Conference

The Kick-Off Conference of the Maastricht Centre for Citizenship, Migration and Development (MACIMIDE) on Friday 4 April at the Faculty of Law (Bouillonstraat 1-3) aims to disseminate original research in the areas of cross-border mobility, citizenship, transnationalism, migration and development as well as to highlight MACIMIDE research.

Please register for the Conference and consult the preliminary programme on the Conference webpage.

The Maastricht Centre for Citizenship, Migration and Development (MACIMIDE) is a new interdisciplinary research group of scholars from Maastricht University aimed at collaboration on issues of cross-border mobility, citizenship, transnationalism, migration and development. MACIMIDE brings together scholars from the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, the Faculty of Humanities and Sciences, the Faculty of Law as well as the School of Business and Economics. The Centre aims to provide a research platform for scholars and students working in the area of citizenship, migration and development, to bridge between the UM research community and the wider academic and professional communities, as well as to link the local and the regional to Europe and the world.

The MACIMIDE Kick-Off Conference aims to promote research in the areas of cross-border mobility, citizenship, transnationalism, migration and development. The Conference will disseminate original research in these areas and will highlight the work of the Maastricht Centre for Citizenship, Migration and Development (MACIMIDE). It will also reinforce and expand the MACIMIDE network by bringing to Maastricht distinguished scholars from other Dutch and European Universities. The Conference is organised in cooperation with the Dutch Association for Migration Research (DAMR), which aims at increasing the scientific standing of migration research.

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