MaGW NWO programme Research Talent – Internal nomination procedure

Are you a talented last year ReMa’s student and interested in doing PhD in social sciences? Are you a professor in our faculty and have you spotted a talented social science student who has finished his/her ReMa or is about to finish?

Then the NWO funding programme Research Talent might be it for you!

NWO Research Talent offers talented, upcoming researchers the opportunity to fulfill their ambitions of pursuing their scientific careers with a three-year PhD research project. NWO will publish the call for this programme in November, 2012. Proposals for Research Talent are most likely to be submitted by full professors, associate professors or assistant professors within social and behavioral sciences.

Candidates are scouted and selected at FASoS through an internal procedure. If you are interested in this grant, make sure to get informed about the faculty’s internal procedure! Most important to know: first deadline for submission of applications is November 30, 2012 at 15:00h.


NWO Research Talent offers talented, upcoming researchers the opportunity to fulfill their ambitions of pursuing their scientific careers with a three-year PhD research project. NWO will publish the call for this programme in November, 2012. Proposals for Research Talent will most likely to be submitted by full professors, associate professors or assistant professors within social and behavioral sciences.

In the upcoming call, only a limited number of proposals can be submitted to NWO.

Maastricht University (UM) is allowed to nominate 8 applications. Each of the six UM faculties is allowed to nominate 1 proposal to the Executive Board of the UM that will automatically be allowed to be submitted to NWO. However, each faculty may submit more proposals than this one per faculty. About the remaining proposals, i.e. those which are not nominated firstly, the Executive Board of the UM takes a decision which ones will be submitted to NWO. NWO evaluates and decides who will actually receive the grant.

More information about the selection of candidates at a central level by the Executive Board of the UM can be gained via

·                      Mrs. drs. Merle Achten (; +31 (0)6-46705509).

For more information about NWO guidelines, format etc. please look at the NWO website ( For further information you can contact

·                      Mr. J.S. Voskuilen (coordinator,, +31 (0)70 344 09 89)

·                      Ms. E.T.W. van Liempt (secretary,, +31 (0)70 344 09 44)

Candidates from FASoS who want to apply for NWO Research Talent should follow the procedure outlined below.

Most important deadlines from this procedure are:

·                      November, 2012: Anticipated publication of the call by NWO

·                      November 30, 2012, 15:00h: Deadline for submission of proposals to FASoS

·                      January 4, 2012: Deadline for submission to the Executive Board of Maastricht University

·                      February 5, 2013: Deadline for submission of proposals to NWO

Procedure NWO MaGW Research Talent

1.    Writing applications  (October-November 30, 2012-2013)

-Candidates and prospected supervisors write their proposals. Applications should:

·                      follow the guidelines proposed by NWO

·                      follow the Grant application form 2013 of NWO MaGW

·                      include proof that the candidate meets the educational training required by NWO. In case you obtained a non-Dutch ReMa, please contact the research funding advisor to assist you with obtaining diploma recognition.

·                      consist of a project AND a candidate AND a supervisor.

·                      candidates should have made use of the expertise of

-the research funding advisor (Mrs. drs. Merle Achten,; +31 (0)6-46705509).

-the financial administrator (Sanne Winkens-gartener,

-the research panel (dr. Andreas Fickers,

2.    Publication of the call (November, 2012)

-Anticipated publication of the call by NWO.

3.    Submission of applications (November 30, 15:00h, 2012)

-Prospected supervisors and candidates submit their proposal to the Graduate School Board (GSB) via,

with a copy to the research policy office ( on November 30, before 15:00h.

Before submitting to the GSB, supervisors should make sure that they have the endorsement of the research programme director in which they partcipate

·                      The research programme director of AMC is prof. dr. Renée van de Vall (

·                      The research programme director of GDI is prof. dr. Valentina Mazzucato (

·                      The research programme director of PCE is prof. dr. Tannelie Blom (

·                      The research programme director of STS is prof. dr. Wiebe Bijker (

4.    Reviewing/pre-selecting application (December 4, 2012)

-The Graduate School Board (GSB) and the research director pre-select and rank the best candidates on the basis of the NWO criteria, i.e.

·                      the CV and skills of the candidate

·                      the quality of the proposal

-TTT he GS coordinator advises the GSB in this, but he doesn’t have a vote.

-The GSB and research director offer selected candidates feedback on the proposals on December 5. Candidates selected will have until December 14 to revise and fine-tune their proposals on the basis of this advice.

-The selection by the GSB and the research director is offered as an advice to the Faculty Board (FB).

5.    Submission of rewritten applications (December 14, 2013)

-Selected supervisors and candidates submit their proposals to the FB via with a cc to the research policy office (

6.    Final decision by the FB (December 19, 2012)

-The FB takes the final decision on nomination and ranking of candidates.

-The GSB, programme directors, supervisors and candidates are informed about the FB’s decision on December 20.

-The FB sends a letter of endorsement to the Executive Board of the UM.

7.    Submission to the Executive Board of Maastricht University (January 4)

-Submission of proposals to the Executive Board of the UM.

8.    Submission to NWO (February 5, 2013)

9.    Preparation NWO interviews/Writing Rebuttals

-Candidates selected and invited by NWO for an interview, can and should turn to the research funding advisor (Merle Achten, and the research panel (Andreas Fickers, for help with preparing for these interviews.

–When candidates are asked to write a rebuttal, they should also call upon the research funding advisor (Merle Achten, and the research panel (Andreas Fickers,

Procedure Nomination PhDs NWO programme PhDs in the Humanities
Actor Action Date
Supervisors and candidates Write proposals. For this they call upon assistance of the research funding advisor, the financial administrator, and the research panel. October-November 30
NWO -Anticipated publication of the call November
Supervisors and candidates -submit proposals (send them to the GSB) November 30, 15:00h (!)
GSB and research director -select and rank candidates

-provide feedback to candidates

-advice FB

December 4-5
Selected supervisors and candidates -submit rewritten proposals (send them to the FB) December 14
FB -decide on final selection

-sign letter of endorsement

-inform GSB, supervisors and candidates and the Executive Board of the UM about decision on endorsement by the FB

December 19-20
FB -submission of proposals to the Executive Board of the UM January 4
-submission endorsed proposals via IRIS on the site of NWO before February 5 February 5
Candidates selected by NWO for an interview/candidates who are asked to write a rebuttal -Call upon the research funding advisor and the research panel for assistance with preparing interviews/rebuttals


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