Meeting update: Faculty Council meeting

Find out about our work representing you in the Faculty through the Meeting Updates series in the FASoS Weekly!

After each Committee meeting, your representative will post an update here so you can follow our progress and keep up with all relevant developments at FASoS.

This week the main issues discussed in the Faculty Council were the educational plans and the two proposals brought forward by the FASoS Student Representatives.

Firstly, students presented a FASoS Sustainability Proposal with concrete suggestions for how sustainability could be implemented at the faculty level. Staff members provided constructive feedback and were overall in favour of more sustainability. As a next step, we will build a team of one staff member and one student to take on sustainability plans at FASoS.

The second proposal made by your student representatives concerns switching faculty computers standard search engine to ecosia. Next steps are taken by the managing director with the ICT department, so hopefully, we will soon be planting trees with our online searches!

The next Faculty Council meeting will take place in April. Stay tuned for updates from other committees until then!

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