Michiel Bron publishes new blog post on research project

In his most recent contribution to Over de Muur, Michiel Bron discusses the research project “Managing Scarcity and Sustainability” and the different main questions of the research.

By discussing recent climate debates in the Netherlands, he shows that these debates have deeper roots than assumed in the current debate. He also discusses the sometimes surprising role of oil actors during debates about scarcity and the environment in the 1970s.

The project “Managing Scarcity and Sustainability: The Oil Industry, Environmentalism, and Alternative Energy in the Age of Scarcity”, consisting of Cyrus Mody (PI), Odinn Melsted (postdoc), Jelena Stankovic (PhD oil and solar energy) and Michiel Bron (PhD oil and nuclear energy), examines how these oil actors shaped the scarcity and environmental debates and why some oil actors made large investments in alternative energy sources during the 1970s, only to cease these investments again in the 1980s.

The blog post is unfortunately only available in Dutch.

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