More grant success; two Veni grants for FASoS researchers





The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) has awarded two Veni grants to Dennis Arnold and Giselle Bosse. At the beginning of July the NWO already awarded two Vidi grants to FASoS researchers, which makes July a very successful grant month for FASoS.

The Veni grant is targeted at researchers at the start of their scientific careers, with a maximum of three years after having completed their doctorates. The grant will offer Dennis Arnold and Giselle Bosse the opportunity to develop their ideas for a period of three years. Both researchers will receive a grant of €250,000.

The Veni project of Dennis Arnold is called “Social protections and precarious work inContinental Southeast Asian Borderlands”. Drawing on fieldwork in Cambodia, Thailand and Vietnam, it researches context specific and globally extended networks comprised of garment factory workers, households and communities, employers and states. An objective of the project is to better understand workers’ and their communities’ role in shaping economic development processes.

The Veni project of Giselle Bosse has the title ‘‘Making’ and ‘Breaking’ Democracy Promotion in Authoritarian Regimes’: How does the European Union decide whether to promote democracy in authoritarian regimes or not? This research explains how, and under what conditions, private sector actors, such as multinational corporations, influence European Union decision-making on democracy promotion in authoritarian regimes.

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