NEW rules applicable to toilet visits during Exams

As from 1 September 2013 new rules for toilet visits during exams are applicable.

If you wish to use the toilet, raise your hand.

The invigilator will give you a sign if you can leave your seat.

Give the invigilator your UM card or legal ID in exchange for a toilet pass.

Without a toilet pass, access to the toilet is not possible.

The number of times you can visit the toilet is limited.

Toilet visits are permitted during the following times:

• no sooner than 30 minutes after the official start time of the exam

• no later than 30 minutes before the official end time of the exam

• a maximum of two toilet visits during the first two hours of the exam

• during a three-hour or longer exam, one extra toilet visit is allowed in the third hour


It is not permitted to take cell phones, smartphones, PDAs and other electronic devices into the toilet.

You should leave them switched off, in your bag, under your exam table: not in your pocket. If any of these devices is found in your possession during the exam it may be confiscated, and this will be reported to the Board of Examiners.

The possession and/or use of electronic devices will be monitored.


Do not take wallets into the toilet

Leave your wallet at your seat or leave it in the invigilator box in the toilet area, the latter is at your own risk.


Please note: any unauthorized material that will be detected will be reported to the Board of Examiners.

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