Next week, on Thursday 3 November, the last FASoS weekly for staff members will be sent out.
As of Tuesday 8 November, we will be moving to our new intranet: UMployee. All information that was usually communicated via the FASoS Weekly will then be found here. Just like the FASoS Weekly, you will still receive a weekly email showing an overview of all interesting messages and events at FASoS and UM, depending on which groups you are member of.
Where do you exactly find and publish information then? Read on for an overview!
Where do I find my information that I could previously find in the FASoS Weekly?
The homepage of UMployee shows major UM and FASoS news items. For FASoS, these are news items that were previously published in the category ‘FASoS news’ , such as new programme directors, a new Faculty Board member, a large grant, etc.
In the group ‘FASoS’, which you will be automatically member of, you will receive all kinds of relevant information concerning FASoS, such as FB decisions, facility updates, FASoS-wide events, etc.
In the group ‘FASoS research’ you will find information concerning research at FASoS. This can be about publications by colleagues, funding opportunities communicated by the Research Support Office, colloquia, and more.
In the group ‘FASoS education’ you can find education-related FASoS information. In this group, tips and tricks about education can be shared and you will receive updates about education-related matters at FASoS.
Then there are groups that transcend our faculty and are relevant for all UM members. Think of groups such as Studium Generale, the staff career centre, EDLAB, etc. You decide which groups you want to become a member of, so you can decrease information overload. You can find the entire offer of groups in UMployee under ‘groups’.
The pyramid below visually shows where you can find which kind of information.
Where do I publish information that I usually sent in via the FASoS Weekly submission form?
The pyramid above also helps you to ascertain in which group you should publish the message that you would like to share with colleagues. Unlike the FASoS Weekly, there will be no submission form anymore. You will decide when and how to post your message, and your message will not be edited anymore by the Marketing and Communications Office (only major newsworthy items will). Please keep in mind that the FASoS UMployee environment is in English, so make sure to share your updates in English.
If you have an announcement that concerns FASoS as a whole, such as an event that concerns all of FASoS, Faculty Board announcements or announcements about IT or facilities, you should publish this in the group ‘FASoS’.
If you have an announcement or an event that concerns researchers at FASoS, this should be posted in the ‘FASoS research’ group. Think of a publication that you made (either scientific or newspaper/op-ed), colloquia, events for researchers, funding opportunities, (visiting) fellowships or grants (up to €500,000; for a larger grant, please contact the Marketing and Communications Office).
If you have an announcement or an event that concerns education, you can post this in the group ‘FASoS education’. For example, if you have tips and tricks to share, or educational events.
In case of news items concerning a new Programme Director, a new Faculty Board (member), new Research Programme Leader, new Department Head or a grant of more than €500,000, please get in touch with the Marketing and Communications department via communications-fasos@maastrichtuniversity.nl so this message can be posted on the homepage.
Unsure which group your message belongs to? Reach out to Marketing and Communications via communications-fasos@maastrichtuniversity.nl.
Please note that the new intranet is only for employees. The student intranet remains in the old system. Additionally, the FASoS Weekly for students will still be sent out, at least until December 2022. If you would like to communicate something to our students, you can still fill out the submission form.
Do you have questions? Reach out to the Marketing and Communications office via communications-fasos@maastrichtuniversity.nl.