NWO programme PhDs in the Humanities; Internal nomination procedure

Are you a professor in our faculty and have you spotted a talented humanities student who has done or is in his/her last year of a ReMa? Are you a talented last year ReMa’s student and interested in doing PhD in the Humanities?

Then the NWO funding programme PhDs in the Humanities might be it for you!

FASoS is allowed to nominate 3 fte of candidates to NWO. NWO makes the final selection and decides who will actually receive the grant. Candidates are scouted and selected at FASoS through an internal procedure.

If you are interested in this grant, make sure to get informed about the faculty’s internal procedure! Most important to know: first deadline for submission of applications is December 3, 2012.

NWO programme PhDs in the Humanities Internal nomination procedure


NWO wants to increase the number of PhD promotions in the humanities and therefore has started a call Promoties in de Geesteswetenschappen (PhDs in the humanities). Two types of PhD positions can be applied for:

·                      standard PhD positions

·                      PhD positions for lecturers

Proposals can only be submitted for PhD-candidates who are selected by deans of the faculties involved in the Sustainable Humanities initiative (as FASoS is). For this purpose, the research programmes of FASoS shortlist candidates for consideration by the Graduate School Board (GSB). The GSB then selects the candidates; the dean makes the final decision. FASoS is allowed to nominate 3 fte of candidates to NWO. NWO makes the final selection and decides who will actually receive the grant.

The definition of “humanities” is up to the submitting faculty. That means that proposals from the social sciences side of the faculty can be considered, but this should be done with great caution! The proposals should clearly fall within the range of humanities disciplines (when in doubt, please consult our research funding advisor Merle Achten). Proposals consist of a project AND a candidate AND a supervisor. The professor supervisor of the PhD-candidate acts as the main applicant of the proposal.

It is highly advisable that the candidate possesses a research master.  FASoS is free to propose candidates “who have not completed a two-year master’s research degree but who have acquired a comparable level”, but it can be assumed that having completed a ReMA will be a clear plus in the CV of a candidate. First year ReMa students should not be allowed to apply.

This year, the call will be published by NWO on November 1, 2012.

The internal, faculty deadline for submitting proposals will be December 3, 2012.

The final deadline for submitting proposals at NWO will be March 1, 2013.

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