Pablo del Hierro publishes article on Spanish-Italian relations

Pablo del Hierro has published the article (in Italian) entitled “The Nenni Ministry and Italian-Spanish relations, 1946-1947: between anti-Francoism and the logic of the Cold War” in the journal Spagna Contemporanea.

In it, the role played by Pietro Nenni in Italian-Spanish relations during his first period as Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs, between October 1946 and February 1947 is studied.


Although the socialist politican Pietro Nenni did not stay in office for more than four months, Spain was one of the topics on which Nenni tried to leave a more personal trace, toying with the idea of ​​introducing important changes in the policy hitherto adopted by the Christian Democrats headed by Alcide de Gasperi. Therefore, this contribution is part of the Italian foreign policy in the years of the first executive of the Republic established after the referendum of 2 June 1946. Furthermore, this article helps us to better understand not only the Italy-Spain relations in the post-war period, but it also brings us closer to one of the most important political figures in twentieth-century Italy. Finally, the initiatives taken by Nenni towards Spain are framed in the complex international context of the time. In fact, this essay will demonstrate how the socialist politician’s ambitions were limited both by the Potsdam resolution, which had already sanctioned the principle of non-intervention in Spanish affairs in August 1945, and by the directives of the great powers that did not want a radical break with the Franco regime.

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