Picture and poetry contest continues

One of our first poems started with the line ‘There once was a tutor on Zoom’. Recently we encouraged students to come up with their own versions, perhaps inspired by their learning experiences in recent weeks.

Today we feature three written by Guilherme Augusto Feistauer.

Keep sending your poems, photos, paintings and drawings to Sally Wyatt.

There once was a student on Zoom,

who ate a special mushroom

Quite the hippie academic,

living in a trippy pandemic

Traveling the universe with a baboon


There once was a student on Zoom,

quite baffled by all of the gloom

passed her time reading Marx,

to study his dialectical remarks

‘Well it’d be sure easier if I was a Tycoon’


There once was a student on Zoom,

who could hide us from seeing his room.

He was a wallpaper magician,

and a bad theoretician

But at least didn’t give in to the gloom

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