Podcast episode on climate change regime complex

In this second episode of the podcasts series on regime complexity, FASoS students will look closer at the climate change regime complex.

The guest is Maheen Khan, a lecturer at Maastricht Sustainability Institute. Together with FASoS students, she will discuss the role of different actors in the climate change regime complex.

You can listen to the podcast on Spotify or on SoundCloud.

As part of the honours programme, a group of FASoS students recorded a series of three podcasts on regime complexity.

Central questions for the second episode are: Who has access to the different policy fora? Who produces knowledge related to climate change? And what kind of implications does this have for our ability to combat climate change and ensure climate justice?

In the first episode,the podcast introduced regime complexity from “two and a half” angles. The students discussed what the concept means and how we ended up in a world governed by regime complexes. How has academia made sense of regime complexity using International Relations theory and what problems does regime complexity create?

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