Poetry, picture and art contest continues

This week’s poem by Lea Beiermann (History Department) reminded me of what Sir Philip Sydney (English poet, 1554-1586) said about the purpose of poetry, ‘to instruct and to delight’. Lea conjures up the power of language and words, and reminds us of the importance of learning, of embodiment and of nature.

Keep sending your art, photos, poems and short fiction (both staff and students!) to Sally (sally.wyatt@maastrichtuniversity.nl).

Lea Beiermann


In a year I have learned

three new languages.

The first a language of numbers and probabilities,

the likelihood of childhood friends crossing paths

at night. I have measured

the velocity of January light,

the butterfly effect of a handshake.

The second a language moving

from my hands to my face and back:

either a frown heavy with what my hands used to say,

or my hands fluttering like fledgling birds

learning to fly in formation.

The third language a mother tongue,

a soft trickle of cooing sounds soothing

a small animal in the woods,

born just a day before

wildfire season.

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