Post Research Master Fellowship

The Graduate School of FASoS is offering a Post Research Master Fellowship in order to support the development of a solid grant application for a PhD position under the Dutch Science Foundation (NWO) talent schemes, supervised by a FASoS professor. The application deadline is Sunday 15 October 2017.

Post Research Master (ReMA) Fellowship

The Graduate School of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASoS) at Maastricht University encourages young research talent to submit solid grant applications for PhD positions under the Dutch Science Foundation (NWO) talent schemes, supervised by a FASoS professor. In order to support the development of such a proposal the Graduate School offers the position of a Post ReMA Fellowship.

The focus of the fellowship lies on writing and submitting a solid NWO proposal to be conducted at FASoS. You are employed by the department of your supervising professor. The appointment will be for 3 months.

Within the framework of the university job structure (UFO), this position is according to the job profile Education/Research officer, job level 5. The terms of employment are set out in the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities and local UM regulation. Remuneration will be according to the salary scale of 6, level 5 of the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities, which amounts to a gross amount of € 2.293,- on a monthly basis. On top of this an 8% holiday allowance and an 8.3% end-of-year allowance will apply. Please consult our website for more information.

Starting date: The starting date is flexible but usually the fellowship is taken up within three months after the application deadline.

Application deadline: 15 October 2017

Eligibility requirements
Candidates have to meet the following eligibility requirements:
• The candidate has to hold a recent MPhil degree (i.e. a two-year research master)
• The overall average Dutch grade has to be at least 7.5 (or a GPA equal to this grade)

Application documents:
1. CV;
2. Grade transcripts for BA and ReMa;
3. Completed assessment form for the final work (if available);
4. Research proposal (of one page). This proposal should include the name of the FASoS professor who is willing to supervise the student if s/he gets the fellowship and who will be submitting the PhD grant proposal (together with the student) for one of the NWO talent schemes.
5. A letter of support by a FASoS professor.

Prospective candidates should submit their application documents via email to the Graduate School Office.

For additional information, please contact the Graduate School Office.

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