Save the date: FASoS Research Day 2016 on 28 September

On Wednesday 28 September, 13.00-17.30, our annual FASoS Research Day 2016 will address the topic: ‘An Age of Fracture? Discussing Today’s Challenges in an Interdisciplinary Perspective’. Please mark the date and time in your calendar.

We will start with a presentation of Pure (replacement of Metis) and a group picture will be taken. The day will proceed with bringing together three interdisciplinary roundtable discussions dealing with some of the most urgent challenges that Europe and the world are facing today. In each panel, three or four FASoS colleagues from the different parts of the faculty (plus a moderator) will briefly introduce their perspectives on the topic (5 min max.). This is followed by a panel debate, and then a debate with the audience as well. This highly interactive format is meant to deepen our understanding of some of the most pressing societal issues from an interdisciplinary perspective, and to build new bridges between academic disciplines, research perspectives, and interpretations. We will end the day at 17.30 with drinks.

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