SG lecture: Evolution of the Genus Homo, on 12 September

In the human evolutionary history, the most important milestone is the evolution of our own genus, Homo, approximately 2.5 million years ago. However, this evolution is not well understood, and has even become more complicated with recent discoveries.

Studium Generale (SG) lecture:
Evolution of the Genus Homo.

Speaker: Prof. Katerina Harvati, Professor of Paleoanthropology, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen

When: Wednesday 12 September, 20.00
Where: Franz Palm Lecture Hall, SBE

Free entrance.

In this lecture Katerina Harvati will give an overview of the fossil record and discuss the questions: how should we define the genus Homo? Who is its ancestor and who its earliest member? And finally, what enabled the geographic expansion of early humans into Eurasia?

Prof. Katerina Harvati is the holder of the Eugène Dubois rotating Chair 2018.

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