UM strongly believes in data protection. Therefore, UM is continuously working to improve information security. Various measures have been and are being taken to make the university network even more secure. That is why UM is switching to the use of Multi Factor Authentication (MFA).
This requires you to successfully complete two steps to access UM services. After entering your UM account and password (something you know), a second authentication step follows via a separate device, for example via your smartphone or tablet (something you have).
Make sure to follow the steps below before 25 October, otherwise you will not be able to log in to UM systems anymore:
- Register your UM account for MFA at https://aka.ms/mfasetup to continue using the relevant services.
- Register an alternative e-mail address via https://myaccount.maastrichtuniversity.nl to resolve any MFA problems with your account
- Check that your MFA registration was successful at: https://checkmfa.maastrichtuniversity.nl
MFA is initially activated on:
- Web-based UM services, such as Intranet, Studentportal, Canvas and SAP SuccessFactors.
You will receive a separate message from Servicedesk ICTS with additional information about this.
As soon as MFA is active for all users on web-based UM services, MFA will be activated on the services below:
- VPN: secure network connection to the university (employees only)
- Virtual workstations (SDA for students and VDI for employees)
You will receive a separate message from Servicedesk ICTS when MFA is also activated for VDI/SDA and VPN.
For more information, manuals, FAQ and planning go to: https://www.maastrichtuniversity.nl/mfa.