Training Grants for Individuals – mobility

It might be an odd time to think about right now, but a Rubicon, Marie Curie fellowship or similar grant can be just the right thing after your PhD. Or perhaps you know someone whom you would like to join FASoS on a mobility grant?

If so, and if you or the candidate could learn more on how to structure and frame your proposal and how these are reviewed, then we encourage you to register for the Spring 2021 training ‘Grants for Individuals’!

The Grants for Individuals training is for young researchers in the last year of their PhD research until five years after completion of their PhD degree. The aim of the training is to prepare you for competitive individual grant schemes, including Marie Curie, Rubicon and other (lesser-known) schemes for this target group. The next training course takes place from January until April 2021.

The training is centred around actual research proposals: you enter the training with your own draft proposal, and finish with a version which is close to ready to submit. During the training you will present your proposal, review other proposals, and rewrite and refine your own draft several times.

The training consists of two plenary information sessions, three writing skills sessions and two sessions on graphic design and visuals. Using the information from these sessions, you will keep on working on your proposal. You are expected to regularly submit an updated version of your proposal and to review the proposals of your fellow candidates. To participate you need:

  • To be preparing a grant proposal that you aim to submit to an individual grant funding scheme, for example, Marie Curie fellowship or Rubicon grant in the near future (other individual grant schemes are also welcome, but there is a separate track for Veni grants).
  • To have full support from your Principal Investigator/department chair/supervisor and the faculty funding adviser. The aim is to ensure you meet the requirement of the funding scheme and have sufficient time to attend the training. The work involved in the training is quite intensive, so participation only makes sense if you have sufficient time for participation.

Depending on the number of participants, the group of participants will be divided into several subgroups. Due to the limited number of participants, a selection process will take place. Interested candidates are invited for a selection interview that will take place December 1-8, 2020.


Participation requires commitment and effort from you (and your Principal Investigator/ supervisor/department head). Due to experiences in the past and the expenses we have for organising the training, a deposit of €1000,- is requested from your supervisor/department head. When you have shown sufficient participation (you handed in a full proposal by the first writing skills session, were present during both plenary sessions, missed no more than one other meeting (i.e., writing and graphic design) and have shown active participation, for example by timely submitting homework), the deposit is refunded.


You can register for an intake interview for this training course until 23 November through this link. In preparation for this intake interview, please send us a 2-pager of your research proposal and CV to Marcel Giezen ( 23 November at the latest.

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