Utrecht University UGlobe/UCIS Summer School: ‘The Refugee/Migrant Crisis in Europe’

‘Introduction to International Studies: the Refugee/Migrant Crisis in Europe’ is a one-week, comprehensive introduction course offered by the Utrecht University UGlobe/UCIS Summer School. For more information please check the website. The course focuses on the major features of international studies, delving into both theory and practice, from a legal, governance and humanities-based perspective.

Each class will be taught by an expert from one of the specialised Master’s programmes from the Utrecht Centre for International Studies or experts from the field.

Using the theme of migration and refugee issues throughout the week, the experts will provide the knowledge and analytical tools to equip participants with the ability to engage with global challenges in innovative ways. Through lectures, interactive working groups, expert panels and an excursion, participants will gain an understanding of various elements – and their interplay – involved in international studies. The course is designed for bachelor and master students with an interest in international studies and what can be offered in this field.

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