Weg van Lawaai app (freely) available in Apple app store

The Weg van Lawaai app can be downloaded for free here. It offers audio stories about the history of noise from, in and around the car, using GPS. You hear the voice of Rik van de Westelaken.

The app was created under the supervision of Karin Bijsterveld by Maastricht University (text), Beeld en Geluid (historical audio fragments) and Q42 (app) and is co-financed by the ArchiScienza Foundation (Fund for Architecture and Science).

The app tries to show the motorist how car sound has been tinkered with, why we started listening to the car radio, and what the sound of the car means for the built environment.

The stories have been specially made for the A2 and at certain points, like remarkable noise barriers or special buildings, offer in-depth information about what the motorist sees along the road at that moment.

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