YUFE COURSE: Philosophical Sources of European Identity (BIP)

Want to learn about the philosophical ideas that shaped European identity?

Join the YUFE course ‘Philosophical Sources of European Identity (BIP)‘. It consists of online workshops and activities in February, and a five-day student conference in Antwerp from 11 – 15 April 2023.

Already on the YUFE student journey? You can apply directly. Students who are not yet enrolled can also sign up. Create a YUFE virtual campus account before 7 October here.

The idea of a European identity or even “way of life” is now central to many political debates across Europe. But what are the philosophical sources of the stories that European politicians and institutions tell about themselves? Are these ideas consistent? Do they hold up to scrutiny in the contemporary world?

YUFE (Young Universities for the Future of Europe) is offering a blended intensive learning programme to explore these questions. As a traveller in this YUFE student journey you will study these questions together with leading experts from around Europe.

You will meet and discuss the questions listed above alongside students from around Europe.

Interested students can apply for Erasmus+ mobility funding for the trip to Antwerp and ECTS (you must seek approval from your Programmes’s Board of Examiners to qualify for the funding and credits).

All interested UM students need to apply for Eramus+ mobility for this, so they also need to signal their interest in Erasmus+ student BIP mobility for this to YUFE at Maastricht University by emailing to yufe-admission@maastrichtuniversity.nl.

If you have questions about the course or how to sign up, you can contact Darian Meacham at d.meacham@maastrichtuniversity.nl.

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